📄️ Scheduling a One-Shot Task
The Schedule method helps us schedule the task to run once at the specified time.
📄️ Scheduling a Task with Fixed Delay
Let's schedule a task to run with a fixed delay between the finish time of the last execution of the task and the start time of the next execution of the task.
📄️ Schedule Task at a Fixed Rate
Let's schedule a task to run at a fixed rate of seconds.
📄️ Scheduling a Task using Cron Expression
Sometimes Fixed Rate and Fixed Delay can not fulfill your needs, and we need the flexibility of cron expressions to schedule the execution of your tasks.
📄️ Canceling a Scheduled Task
Schedule methods return an instance of type ScheduledTask, which allows us to cancel a task or to check if the task is canceled.
📄️ Shutting Down a Scheduler
The Shutdown() method doesn't cause immediate shut down of the Scheduler and returns a channel.
📄️ Congratulations!
You have just learned the basics and functionalities of Chrono. Now, you are ready to use it in your projects.