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Scheduling a One-Shot Task

The Schedule method helps us schedule the task to run once at the specified time. In the following example, the task will first be executed 1 second after the current time. WithTime option is used to specify the execution time.

taskScheduler := chrono.NewDefaultTaskScheduler()
now := time.Now()
startTime := now.Add(time.Second * 1)

task, err := taskScheduler.Schedule(func(ctx context.Context) {
log.Print("One-Shot Task")
}, chrono.WithTime(startTime))

if err == nil {
log.Print("Task has been scheduled successfully.")

WithStartTime option can be used to specify the execution time. But It's deprecated.

taskScheduler := chrono.NewDefaultTaskScheduler()

task, err := taskScheduler.Schedule(func(ctx context.Context) {
log.Print("One-Shot Task")
}, chrono.WithStartTime(now.Year(), now.Month(), now.Day(), now.Hour(), now.Minute(), now.Second()+1))

if err == nil {
log.Print("Task has been scheduled successfully.")

Since the task itself takes 3 seconds to complete and we have specified a delay of 5 seconds between the finish time of the last execution of the task and the start time of the next execution of the task, there will be a delay of 8 seconds between each execution.

WithStartTime and WithLocation options can be combined with this.